Legal notice

Imprint according to § 63 GewO and disclosure according to § 25 Abs 5 MedienG

Name: Kirsi Korosec 

Addresse: Corneliusgasse
Perchtoldsdorf 2380

1. Mail: [email protected]

2. Mmail: [email protected]

All information on our website has been carefully checked. We endeavor to constantly expand and update this information. However, we cannot guarantee that it is complete, correct and up to date.


The content of these pages is protected by copyright. Any use beyond personal use (publication, duplication, forwarding to third parties, reproduction in the media) is subject to the express consent of Kirsi Korosec. All information is provided to the best of our knowledge and belief and in accordance with the current state of knowledge. No liability can be accepted for errors.

Web Content Management System (CMS)

This website is based on the web content management system SiteJet.