Day care building for toddlers

The day care center is currently being built in Gbefi Tornu. The building is already there!

Now the toilets, fixed playground equipment, a fence so that the children can play safely outside and the painting of the school are still missing.

But how did we come up with this project?

In the summer of 2021, Kirsi visited Bilal at work with the kindergarten children. There, she noticed that there were toddlers lying around on a carpet next to the children sitting on chairs.

 They are not allowed to leave the carpet. But at that age, they should be exploring the world with their fingers and teeth. There was no one there especially for them.

The toddlers lie and sit there for hours. When the toddlers start to crawl off the carpet to explore the room, Bilal's colleague would come and hit the toddler on the head and bring it back to the others. 

It was crying there and the kindergarten children couldn't concentrate on their lessons.

 This is how Kirsi came up with the idea for the project. Together with the village of Gbefi, we want to build a daycare center for toddlers. A building that is exclusively for toddlers. The village is prepared to employ a daycare worker at its own expense.