School books in Tapa

(2. book project)

We wanted to equip a school with books at the start of the 2023 school year.

However, they now cost much more. Inflation is crazy. Prices have been rising every week for a year now.

Bilal traveled to various villages for private reasons. He did not know these villages. At one school in the village of Tapa, he noticed that it was particularly poorly equipped. He therefore asked Kirsi whether the book project could be carried out there.

So it was. We planned meetings, calculated the costs and organized the process.

Lyle has a friend who 

often travels to Accra. He has a trotro and was kind enough to bring us the books from Accra to Kpando free of charge.

The friend who bought us the school books last time was also kind to get them for us again in Accra.

The village organized three motorcyclists to bring the boxes full of books to their village of Tapa.

We were able to provide a total of 384 books!

Primary school

High school