2. charity concert- 2021

The second benefit concert for Ghana took place on 22.10.2022.  
It was a wonderful event!

We would like to thank you for your support!

A presentation was given in which previous projects and a new one were introduced.

The evening was also accompanied by music from the children's and youth choir of the Franz Schmidt Music School in Perchtoldsdorf under the direction of Ingrid Verbaeys.
There were over 100 children on stage, who presented a variety of African songs in a magnificent way! There were many touching moments.

Also a big thank you for all your donations! We are simply overwhelmed!

The total amount is €8.315 !!!!

Kirsi already presented an initial idea at the benefit concert as to where the donations from this year's benefit concert will be used. A day care center! You can find more information here.

If you weren't able to attend the benefit concert, you can even watch the concert on YouTube! The link can be found at: https://youtu.be/4lcwLswa4to