School books in Gbefi Tornu

(1. Book project)

Every year before Christmas, we sell "Give a Book" vouchers that say: "This voucher was used to give a school book to a child in Ghana."

This enabled us to carry out this project and hand over 240 school books to the school in Gbefi!

When I volunteered in Gbefi in 2018, I saw that there were hardly any school books. Usually only teachers had one and the children learned from the blackboard. Also in the lessons where there were several books, four pupils often had to look at one book together. As you can imagine, there was very little attention or opportunity to participate.

We decided to carry out the school book project in Gbefi Tornu while at the same time we were supervising the school building project in Adigbor Tornu.

We ordered the school books in the capital ACCRA and had them transported to us in Gbefi in a trotro, i.e. a minibus.

As a thank you for the time I volunteered there, we gave the books to them. I tell you, it was a wonderful feeling!