School building in Adigbor Tornu

During the time Kirsi volunteered in Ghana in 2018, she had many great experiences. A friend called Momo invited her to his village in Adigbor Tornu.
He is a teacher and told her about the poor conditions at his school. Kirsi therefore wanted to see for herself.

He showed her what the high school building looked like and you could really tell that it was in a very bad state. Momo told her that it was raining into the classes, so the high school students had to take refuge in the stabil primary school building.

This meant that neither the primary school nor the high school could have any meaningful lessons. We wanted to change that!

Our first project was also one of the biggest projects we tackled. A new school building in Adigbor Tornu, which Momo had brought to her attention at the time.
But then came the first big disappointment: due to corona, the project could not start for a long time. But in spring 2021, the first construction work began in the village.

In summer 2021, Kirsi was personally present at the project site. The agreement was that Kirsi would be responsible for the finances and procure the materials together with Bilal, while the village would be responsible for building the school.
As promised, Kirsi kept the money with her and managed the finances herself and kept a record of every GHC.

We don't want to hide the fact that there were also many frustrating moments during the project. The village sometimes worked very slowly and often failed to keep to the agreed schedule. It was always necessary to hold meetings with the village to motivate people to work together again.

But Lyle always supported Kirsi with all her questions. We often walked up and down all day to get information or materials. Finally, we came home exhausted and discussed before going to sleep what we needed to do to prevent misuse of the funds or to encourage the village more. Then we got up early the next day to discuss the next steps.

In the end, we really did manage to complete a stable school building that could no longer be rained into. Bilal and Kirsi were overjoyed. The children can now take part in regular lessons.