
Name: Kirsi Korosec

Age:  years

Nationality: Austria

First time in Ghana: at the age of 18

Tasks in the project

  • Project management
  •  Finances & protocols
  • Organize materials (if she is in Ghana)
  • Meetings with the villagers (if she is in Ghana)
  •  organizing events (in Austria)


Hello, my name is Kirsi Korosec.

I graduated from high school in 2018 at the age of 18. I wanted to experience something and do something meaningful at the same time. So from October to December, I spent three months volunteering in Ghana at a school in Gbefi Tornu, a village in the Volta-Region.

Actually, I was only supposed to support a class, but as the school was short of a teacher for one class, they asked me. So I taught a class all by myself... At least I tried as best I could.

I got to know a lot of people during this time. Among them was my supervisor, Bilal Kassim, nicknamed Lyle. He is a Ghanaian teacher at this school and is supposed to be my contact person.

We quickly became friends and I realized that I could trust him.

I had incredible experiences in Ghana, experienced many adventurous events and got to know a whole new culture. I also learned a lot about myself. All of this made me feel free and pushed me beyond my limits. The challenges and experiences helped me to develop my personality.

Finally, I flew back to Austria. Out of gratitude, I wanted to give something back after these 3 months.

Charity concert

That's why I wanted to organize a benefit concert. However, I had never done this before. I had to approach the planning step by step. First of all, you need a large venue that is provided free of charge. I asked the parish of Perchtoldsdorf if we could use St. Mary's Church for one evening. They agreed immediately!

You also need an entertainment program for an evening. I have been singing in the Perchtoldsdorf children's and youth choir, led by the lovely Ingrid Verbaeys, since I was 5 years old and I asked her if the choir could sing at the concert. She also agreed straight away! This meant that over 100  children and young people, including myself, sang at the benefit concert.

Flyers and posters were produced and printed. I asked the municipality of Perchtoldsdorf if they could put them up in Perchtoldsdorf free of charge. 

I was suprised, that they agreed.

 I also wrote a speech, which I read through as often as possible.

Finally, my parents thought that a buffet after the concert would be good and that they would finance it. In the end, my whole family and lots of friends helped with the buffet and collecting the donations!

As you can see, I couldn't have managed the whole thing on my own. It needed the support of the parish, community, choir and many dear family members and friends, and last but not least you donors!

Everything worked out well in the end!
During the concert, I flitted from the lectern to the choir and back again. (you can find more about the 1st benefit concert here)


I didn't think it was possible, but this concert triggered a chain reaction! Many people wanted to support the project.
As a result, we raised so much money that we were able to build a school in Adigbor Tornu!

But I really needed support for that too.
Finally, I asked Bilal if he would like to become my project partner. He was enthusiastic and joined immediately!

I flew to Ghana and we carried out the project together with the village. This brought great challenges. Click here to find out more. 

We also carried out the first school book project. Then I had to fly home.

As I wanted to continue my life in Austria, Bilal and I organized all the other projects via phone calls and messages.

I am responsible for the financial documentation for all projects. Every material must first be requested from me before it is purchased.

Before we start a project, we organize the process of the project and discuss every step before and after.

If you want to know how we select the projects
click here.

In Austria

What I do in Austria, however, apart from planning the projects on the phone and computer, is organizing other events to raise funds for the projects.

For example, the second charity concert and other activities.

Even though it sometimes makes me sad that I put a lot of work into the projects and then can't be there in person, I always enjoy seeing the photos when projects are completed. You often see the beaming faces of the children and then I know that the work was worth it...

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Hello, my name is Bilal Kassim, also known as Lyle.

I am the project partner of Kirsi and I support wherever I can so that the projects can be carried out!

I come from Ghana and live in the Volta-Region, near Kpando. My profession is a primary school teacher in the village of Gbefi.

Click on me if you want to know more about me.